The documentary records Sofia’s daily life in the months prior to her birthday number 100. She goes to the theater, goes shopping, cooks for her grandchildren and participates in succulent family meals. Sofia goes to the doctor, knits for her great grandchildren and drinks tea with her 94-year old sister, Rebecca. Her life and history are slowly unveiled through archival footage, conversations and anecdotes.

She has gone through sad moments in her life: her father died in an earthquake in San Juan, Argentina; her youngest son was kidnapped and “disappeared” during the military dictatorship of the 1970’s, and then she herself was forced to flee the country and go into exile in Brazil.

This is Sofia’s story, one of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, as she approaches to her 100th birthday. A woman full of love, humor, wisdom and passion for life.

The story takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2010.


(Español) Festivales:

Festival Tucumán CINE 2010

Discovering Latin America Film Festival

Atlantic Doc 2010

Festival internacional de cine TARAPACA

Festival Internacional de cine de Guadalajara.

Mostra de Cinema Llatinoamericà de Catalunya.

Festival Mujeres en foco, Buenos Aires.

Festival de cine social de Concordia.


(Español) Premios:

Mención especial en el Festival Mujeres en Foco.

“(…) uno de esos personajes inolvidables. Del cine, sí, pero más que nada de la vida. Es un placer conocerla”. Clarín

“una comedia y una tragedia, un registro de época (…) y, en definitiva, una gran historia de amor”. La Nación

“(…) una mujer que ilumina la pantalla”. Página 12

Declara de interés cultural por el gobierno de la  Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires.

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