Sonia Soberats is a sixty-eight-year-old Venezuelan woman who lives by herself in a modest apartment in New York City. The pain caused by the death of both her sons resulted in her total loss of vision. She takes care of everything she needs. Today she is a blind photographer. Through different stages of Sonia’s life and work we will see how two apparently contrary concepts coexist in harmony: a whole new tendency in photography bringing together this expressive art and sight deficiencies.

The labyrinth of possibility is a film of transformation and human capabilities. It tells the story of Sonia Soberats and his photographic work. The grief from the loss of her two sons caused such great havoc in her life that she lost the sense of sight entirely. Today she is part of a prestigious group of blind photographers in New York City. She also teaches this technique in Venezuela. One of her workshops takes place in Mucurubá, a little Andean town where a festival of light is held every year. Lighting 21000 candles throughout the village, this experience combines teaching and tradition.


(Español) -Latin Forum DocsBarcelona 2012 -Laboratorio de narrativa documetal DOCULAB 2012 -Invitada especial Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara 2013 -Doc Outlook International Market de Visions du Réel 2013 -Festival de documentales y cortos de Belgrado 2013 -Festival del Cine Nacional Mérida Venezuela 2013 -Aruba International Film Festival -Festival de Cine y Arte DOS RÍOS, Polonia 2013 -Festival de Arte Venezolano, New York 2013 -Festival de Cortometrajes de Barquisimeto, Invitada Especial, 2013 -1er festival de Oxímoron, Santiago de Querétaro 2013 -Atlanticdocs 2013 -Ventana Sur 2013 -Festival de cine documental Millenuim de Bruselas 2014 -Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Cine y Video Documental Independiente Contra El Silencio Todas Las Voces 2014 -Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Concordia 2014 -Festival International du Film Documentaire Millenium, Belgique 2014 -Belgrade International Film Festival For and by people with disabilities -Festival de Granada de Cine. Cines del Sur 2014 -Muestra de Documentales Mérida 2014 -Festival Internacional de Cine Documental Flahertiana, Perm, Rusia 2014 -Festival de Cine de Bogotá BOGOCINE 2014 -Festival de Documentales Santiago Álvarz, santiago, Cuba 2015 -Encuentro del Otro Cine EDOC, Quito 2015 .


(Español) -Foro de coproducción Doc Meeting Argentina 2011 (Mejor proyecto y mejor pitching) -Festival Internacional de Mar de Plata, Sección Panorama, 2013 -Caracas Doc 2013 (Mejor Ópera Prima Venezolana) -Festival Internacional de Cine por la Paz, Inspiración e Igualdad, Jakarta 2013 (Premio a mejor inspiración y premio a la excelencia mejor director) -Festival de Cine entre Largos y Cortos de Oriente (Mención Especial del jurado Mejor Documental) 2013 -Festival de Cine Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Margarita (Mejor Largometraje documental Venezolano) 2014 -Festival Franco – Andino Documenta Caracas (Mejor largometraje documental nacional Venezolano) 2014 -Festival de Documentales de Maracaibo 2014 (Mejor Película).

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